Food Sanitation Rules

1. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm running water for 20 seconds before handling food or utensils. Wash hands after each visit to the restroom, eating, touching the face or other body parts, blowing the nose (these also apply to children). 

2. Wash hands and sanitize utensils, cutting boards, and work surfaces thoroughly after each contact with raw eggs, fish, meats, and poultry. Sanitize between use for raw and cooked, or use separate plates or equipment.

3. Thoroughly rinse with water all fresh fruits and vegetables before cooking or serving. Do not use soap, as it can leave residue. 

4. Properly clean and sanitize serving and cooking utensils, and equipment. 

5. Handle serving utensils and plates without touching the eating surface. 

6. Use disposable plastic gloves, as required by local health codes. Use gloves for only one task and throw away – for example, if you touch other equipment, or handle money, etc. 

7. Keep hands off face and hair. Wash hands if touched. 

8. Wear clean uniforms and hair restraints. 

9. Food service staff with open cuts, sores, colds, or other communicable diseases should not prepare or serve food. 

10. Properly clean and sanitize all food preparation and service areas; wipe up spilled food immediately. 

11. Empty garbage cans daily. They should be kept tightly covered and thoroughly cleaned. Use plastic or paper liners. 

12. Meet health standards set by your State and local health department.


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