Adobong Bangus Recipe


Milkfish or bangus as it is locally called here in the Philippines is our national fish. Bangus is one of the many staple fish diets by Filipinos although milkfish is widespread in Southeast Asia. Countries like Indonesia and Taiwan have milkfish...
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Potato: Healthy Balance


Potatoes can be eaten by anyone of any age! Potatoes are a popular vegetable, often wrongly blamed for being fattening. In fact they are low in fat, filling and full of vitamin C and other antioxidant nutrients.  Usually fat-free, an...
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Balance and Variety: The Food Group Approach


Starchy foods: bread, other cereals and potatoes For energy, B vitamins, minerals and fibre, these foods should make up about a third of the food you eat. Include at least one with each meal, including bread (especially wholemeal); breakfast cereals;...
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Smoky Joe's Big, Spicy Burgers


Ingredients: 1/2 15-oz can barbecue sloppy joe sauce 1/2 4-oz can sliced or chopped jalapeños, drained 1 3/4 lb extra-lean ground beef 1 egg 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce 6 Hamburger Buns Procedure: Fire up your grill to medium. Pour 1/4...
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Five Gym Ready Steps to Better Skin


HANG LOOSE Heat and tight clothing work together to increase sebum production and clog your pores, so wear loose workout clothes in breathable fabrics. KEEP IT CLEAN They may smell okay, but unwashed gym clothes rub yesterday's sweat and oil against...
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